Human rights-based approach (HRBA)
A human rights-based approach is one where actions, policies and processes are underpinned by international human rights standards and principles to promote and protect human rights through their operationalization. 1
All human rights (e.g. access to drinking water, clean air and food) ultimately depend upon functioning ecosystems that are powered by healthy biodiversity. 2 3 In addition, the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is itself a human right recognized by the UN. Loss of biodiversity has enormous implications for human health and well-being. A human rights-based approach to biodiversity can help to clarify the role of biodiversity in enjoying human rights, emphasize the urgency of taking action on biodiversity and help to promote policy alignment and credibility in the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity. 2
UNSDG (2019) 1
UNGA (2020) 2
Geneva Environment Network 3